Decisión de la Mesa: 19.COM 4.BUR 3

The Bureau,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/19.COM4.BUR/3,
  2. Takes note of the correspondences received on the nomination DZA-02139 as well as the request received from the Chairperson of the 2024 Evaluation Body, and acknowledges the efforts made by the Secretariat to mediate between those involved in the issues raised in the correspondences;
  3. Further takes note of the correspondences also received on the nomination GRC-02101;
  4. Requests the Secretariat to: a) transmit the correspondences received on ongoing nominations under the 2024 cycle to the Committee members by email by 4 November 2024 (instead of publishing them on the website of the Convention as foreseen by the guidelines established by the Committee under Decision COM 15), if all parties concerned for each case are agreeable with the approach, or b) publish the correspondences received on ongoing nominations under the 2024 cycle on the website of the Convention by 4 November 2024 as foreseen by the guidelines established by the Committee under Decision COM 15, if all parties concerned for each case do not oppose the approach outlined in the sub-paragraph a) above;
  5. Understands that the nineteenth session of the Committee will receive a report in a summary form on the correspondences received on ongoing nominations in response to Decision COM 9.
